
Access your consumption reports in your customer portal

Whether you are an individual, a company or a member company, the customer portal provides you with valuable tools that allow you to visualize your rental and billing data at Simplex in real time. In this guide we will explain in detail how to download your consumption reports.

If you don’t have an account yet, create your customer portal now. 
If you already have an account, log in and go to the dashboard.
Scroll down, under the personal or business information, you will find the following:
Now select the type of report you want to download, either billing or rental, and then choose the period you want. Once you have made your selection, simply click on “Download the report”. 
Your report will be downloaded as an Excel file, containing all the information of past, current and even future rentals.  
You can access these reports at any time to get an overview of your projects, budget, optimize your resources, effectively manage your projects and make important decisions. 

The customer portal also offers other advantages!

  • Follow-up of rentals, whether past, current or future, for a simpler planning.
  • Manage your staff by granting them the right rights to facilitate transactions. This is exclusive to members.
  • Track your account balance. This is exclusive to members.

Simplify your work!

Create you customer portal